Your activity description is your opportunity to hype people up and motivate them to register for your activity. Try to add some flair to your description. Encourage people, get them excited, but also be clear about what your activity is and what participants can expect.
What to include:
- Briefly explain what your sport is.
- Walk people through a typical session: How will it begin, what type of exercises, drills, or movements will take place? How will you support people? How will it end?
- What new skills will people learn, and what benefits will it bring to their physical and mental well-being?
- Are there any prerequisites?
- Describe the atmosphere - is it intense, chill, high-energy or slow-paced…? Is there music? How do you want people to feel when they leave?!
What not to include:
- The price of your activity or the duration (it is already displayed)
- Your contact information, such as your email or phone number
- Your bio or personal information (there’s a place for that already)
Doesn’t work:
The Wing Chun Kung-Fu is a style created by a woman named Yim Wing Chun, who reformed the teachings inherited from One of the 5 "immortals" of the Shaolin temple. The particularity of this style is to maximize efficiency through the usage of the shortest path and human development in its totality.
Why not - This looks like it was roughly translated from French to English. Not confident writing in both languages? Once again, please don’t use Google Translate – contact our team and we’ll help you out!
Doesn’t work:
Tabata is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout. It is fast and efficient. Come and test your limits at your own pace.
Why not: What’s Tabata? What is high-intensity interval training? What makes Tabata different than other high-intensity interval training workouts? We need a lot more detail to understand what kind of workout this is going to be, and why we should be excited about it.
What works
Whether you’re a beginner, just trying to get a workout in, or preparing for an Ironman, come participate in small group swimming lessons. Start from square one or improve your swimming skills and techniques. There will be only 8 of you in the pool - no more battling traffic in the lap lanes!
Urban Afro Dance is a true body/booty workout with great beats to keep you moving. Combining cardio, muscular toning, balance, and flexibility, this class will give you a super energy boost!
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